Discover The Secret To Becoming A Speed Climbing Pro

You’ve seen the videos. You’ve read about their superhuman feats of strength and endurance. Now you want to be a speed climber yourself, right? 

Well, don’t get too excited just yet. It’s not as simple as strapping on some climbing shoes and scaling a rock face like they do in the movies. 

Becoming an elite athlete takes time and effort—but it’s worth it! Here are some tips for getting started:

6 Drills To Help You Climb Better
How to become a speed climbing pro
Tips and techniques for improving speed climbing skills
Importance of choosing the right equipment
Benefits of building a strong support system
The role of strategy and technique in speed climbing

It’s All About The Shoes

Shoes are the most important piece of equipment you can get. They should fit well and be comfortable, even when you’re going through the motions at full speed. 

They should also be well-made and durable, because climbing up a wall doesn’t leave much room for error, which is why it’s important that your shoes have a good grip on the climb. 

Lastly, they should be lightweight so you don’t get too weighed down by them while climbing up those walls.

The other crucial factor to consider when choosing your shoes is heel support; this will help ensure that your feet stay in place while going through all those different movements at high speeds without having trouble staying attached to or detached from whatever surface they’re attempting to scale

To become a speed climbing champion, you need to hone your skills and techniques. If you are an amateur, don’t worry! Check out our guide on how to become a speed climbing champion to learn the tips and tricks from pros.

Pack On The Muscle

Muscle is important. In fact, it’s the most important thing to building your climbing arsenal.

One benefit of adding muscle to your body is that it will help your climb better. The more mass and power you have, the easier it will be for you to pull yourself up a rope or climb a wall.

Another benefit of packing on muscle is that the added strength allows you to recover quicker between sets and sessions. 

This means that if we were doing something like a workout today, then tomorrow we can do another set or session because muscle recovery time is shorter than before we started lifting weights in our training program.

A third reason why adding bulk onto your frame can improve both climbing performance as well as overall health is because muscles are essential machines that make everything work properly – they are required for proper breathing function; circulation; digestion; elimination – all sorts of things throughout our bodies rely heavily on them working optimally!

Best Supplements for Building Muscle

Protein PowderOptimum NutritionProtein is essential for muscle growth and recovery, and protein powder is an easy and convenient way to meet your daily protein needs. Optimum Nutrition is a top brand that offers a range of protein powders to suit different dietary needs.
CreatineMuscleTechCreatine is a popular supplement for building muscle and improving strength. MuscleTech is a trusted brand that offers a range of high-quality creatine products.
BCAAsScivationBranched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) can help reduce muscle breakdown and improve recovery. Scivation is a well-known brand that offers a range of BCAA supplements to support muscle growth and recovery.
Pre-WorkoutCellucorA good pre-workout supplement can help boost energy, focus, and endurance. Cellucor is a popular brand that offers a range of pre-workout supplements to help you power through your workouts.
Beta-AlanineNOW SportsBeta-alanine is an amino acid that can help increase muscle endurance and reduce fatigue. NOW Sports is a brand that offers a range of beta-alanine supplements to support your muscle-building goals.

Practice Makes Perfect

This quote is something we’ve all heard before. But it’s always good to be reminded of the importance of practice!

You’ve likely heard the saying, “practice makes perfect.” This means that if you practice something enough times (and do it well), you’ll get better at it over time. 

The same goes for speed climbing — if you want to become a speed climber pro, then practice is the key! You’ll have to make mistakes along the way (everyone does), but don’t let this discourage or discourage you from trying again next time. 

Practice makes progress; progress leads toward improvement; and through practice, improvement will come! So keep practicing and improving yourself until one day everything just clicks together into place…and voila: You’re now a professional speed climber!

Do you want to climb walls faster than ever before? Our article on speed climbing secrets revealed will teach you how to scale walls in record time by revealing tips that only few experts know.

Stay Hydrated

Drink water before, during and after exercise.

Avoid caffeine, alcohol and sugary drinks. All dehydrate you (and make you feel like crap).

How much you need to drink depends on how much sweat you produce in the first place: generally speaking, the more intense your workout is, the more fluid you’ll need to consume via drinking water or sports drinks (this is especially true if it’s hot outside). 

Regardless of intensity level, take a break every 20 minutes or so and drink something cool—cold water is best!

Get Stronger Fingers And Better Grip

There are a few ways to get stronger fingers and improve your grip, but we’ll focus on the most effective ones.

Use a fingerboard: Training on a fingerboard (like this one) is one of the best ways to increase the strength in your fingers.

Use chalk: As you climb more, you’ll start sweating and using more chalk will help keep you from slipping off holds. It will also help keep your hands dry so they don’t slip off holds as much!

Climb at an indoor gym or climbing wall: Climbing gyms have tons of routes that are perfect for trying out new techniques and improving at speed climbing!

Use a finger trainer: Finger trainers help build up muscle memory by making sure each grip feels natural before moving onto something else.

Mastering the speed climbing route needs more than just strength and agility. You need a smart approach and technique. Check out our guide on expert tips for mastering the speed climbing route to learn how to climb faster and more efficiently.

Always Use Safety Gear

It’s important to use safety gear in your climbing. If you don’t use safety gear, then you won’t be able to climb at all. 

The type of safety gear that should be used will depend on the type of climbing being done: bouldering, sport climbing or traditional route climbing. 

For sport and trad routes, climbers should make sure they have enough quickdraws (these are runners that attach to your harness). Boulderers need a chalk bag and chalk ball to keep their hands dry while they climb; this will help them grip the rock better.

For trad climbs or multi-pitch climbs where ropes are used, it’s vital that climbers always wear helmets as well as other protective clothing such as gloves and shoes when needed depending on how far up they are going in terms of height off the ground

Importance of Using Safety Gear While Climbing

Type of Safety GearBrand Name
Climbing HarnessBlack Diamond Solution
Climbing HelmetPetzl Meteor
Climbing ShoesLa Sportiva Solution
Climbing RopeMammut Infinity
Climbing ChalkFrictionLabs Gorilla Grip

Using safety gear is critical to ensure a safe climbing experience. The table above highlights the various types of safety gear needed while climbing and some popular brand options in each category. It is important to invest in high-quality gear from reputable brands to ensure maximum protection when climbing.

Improve Your Reactions And Focus

We’ve all been there. You’re climbing and your mind starts to wander, and suddenly you’re out of the flow state that made you a speed climber in the first place. 

Your focus is broken! If this has happened to you before, here’s some advice on how to improve your reactions and focus:

Focus on the positive—try thinking about what will happen if everything goes according to plan. Maybe it’ll feel great when you get up there? Or maybe someone will congratulate you for being so fast? Focus on those things instead of worrying about what could go wrong.

Focus on the task at hand—try focusing only on climbing one rung at a time until it’s over with! This way, even though each individual rung may be challenging or intense (which can make it hard to focus)

Improving your speed climbing game can be a challenge without the right strategy. Our guide on 10 tips for improving your speed climbing game offers practical advice that will help you take your climbing skills to the next level.

Let Go Of Fear Of Heights – Use A Climbing Wall

Climbing walls are safe, fun and a great way to improve your speed climbing skills. They can also help you to build up strength and endurance so that you can take on bigger challenges in the future. Climbing walls can be found in many gyms, parks and playgrounds around the world!

The Power Of Positive Thinking

As a speed climber, you’ll have to be able to think on your feet and know how to react in any given situation. 

That’s why positive thinking is so important: your mind is the most powerful tool in terms of performance and skill development.

Think of it this way: the mind is like a muscle if you don’t use it regularly, it will start to atrophy and become weak. 

When you begin training as a speed climber, however, your brain will have increased blood flow (which means more oxygen) so that all parts of your body can perform at peak capacity. This leads us back to our main point: positive thinking can help increase performance!

Are you ready to put your speed climbing training and technique to the test? Our comprehensive guide on the ultimate guide to speed climbing training and technique will give you all the tools you need to improve your climbing and become a pro in no time.

Watch Out For Any Kind Of Pain Or Injuries

When you begin speed climbing, be on the lookout for any kind of pain or injury. Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong it is a warning sign and must be treated as such. 

The most common injuries sustained during speed climbing are sprains, strains and fractures.

Injuries can be caused by overuse, poor technique and lack of warm-up. To avoid these injuries:

Limit how often or how much you train (e.g., don’t climb every day).

Practice proper form when performing exercises such as pull-ups, dips and push-ups so that your muscles are used appropriately without overusing them or causing strain in areas where they might not be strong enough yet (e.g., underdeveloped biceps).

Take regular breaks between sets so that your muscles have time to recover before beginning again (this includes rest days!).

The Right Clothing And Backpack Matter Too!

The right clothing is also important. You want to make sure that your clothing is breathable and comfortable, but durable, light and warm. 

This means an undershirt made of synthetic material like polyester or nylon will be good for the job since it absorbs sweat well without getting heavy or clammy like cotton does. 

Then you can layer on a long sleeve top in fleece or wool to keep you warm in case it gets chilly out there, along with some waterproof pants if it rains often where you live (or if you’re climbing somewhere tropical). 

A lightweight backpack with a water bladder inside is also ideal as this allows climbers to carry more weight without overworking their shoulders too much by having another heavy pack strapped onto them all day long!

Be Fit And Active In Your Daily Life

It’s important to be fit and active in your daily life. Whether you choose to take up a sport, or just make sure that you get some exercise every day, staying active will help you stay fit. 

You’ll also increase your lung capacity and heart strength as well as improve muscle tone, which can help with speed climbing.

There are many different types of exercises that may work well for speed climbers: running or jogging, cycling, swimming, martial arts like boxing or taekwondo (these are especially good for improving hand-eye coordination), yoga (this helps with flexibility), Pilates (for core strength), weight lifting (particularly deadlifts) and the list goes on! 

Anything that gets your heart rate up can be beneficial for increasing stamina when climbing – so don’t feel limited by what has already been said above!


We hope you found this article useful and informative. We’re excited to see what the future holds for speed climbing, and we know that we can be a part of it. 

In fact, there are already so many talented climbers out there who have made huge strides in their careers. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the sport of speed climbing or just want some tips on how to improve your own personal training regiment, follow us on Instagram!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to help you take your climbing skills to the next level:

How to Become a Hill Climbing Star: This article offers tips and advice for becoming a stronger climber on hills, including training advice and technique tips.

Rock Climbing Tips from Gore-Tex: Check out these expert tips and advice on rock climbing, including gear recommendations, techniques, and more.

How to Become a Better Boulderer: Try Sport Climbing: This article provides tips for improving your bouldering skills by leveraging sport climbing techniques, as well as advice for training effectively.


What is speed climbing?

Speed climbing is one of the three climbing disciplines in the Olympics, alongside bouldering and lead climbing. It involves climbing a standard route as quickly as possible.

How can I improve my speed climbing skills?

Improving your speed climbing skills requires a combination of training and technique. Some tips for improving your speed include working on your footwork, using efficient movement techniques, and practicing on a variety of climbing routes.

What kind of gear do I need for speed climbing?

The gear you need for speed climbing includes climbing shoes, a harness, a chalk bag, and a rope (if you are climbing with a partner). It is important to choose gear that is comfortable and fits well, as this can impact your performance.

How should I warm up before speed climbing?

Warming up before speed climbing is essential to prevent injury and improve your performance. A good warm-up should include some dynamic stretching, light cardio, and easy climbing to get your muscles warmed up and ready to perform.

Can anyone learn to speed climb?

Speed climbing is a challenging discipline that requires strength, skill, and practice to master. However, with dedication and the right training, anyone can improve their speed climbing skills and become a better climber.