Bouldering Tricks And Tips: How To Dominate The Wall

Bouldering is one of the most popular forms of climbing. It’s cheap, easy to learn and you can do it anywhere. So what’s not to like? The fact that you need an indoor wall or outdoor boulders, that’s what. 

We all know how difficult some problems are when we go bouldering, so here are some ways you can get better at this type of climbing:

20 Pro Tips EVERY Climber should know
Always warm up before climbing to prevent injury.
Proper technique is more important than strength.
Keep your body close to the wall to improve balance.
Focus on your hand and footwork.
Practice good communication with your climbing partner.

Don’t Climb Cold

Warming up is an important part of climbing. If you don’t warm up, your muscles will be tight and weak, making it harder for you to climb well. To warm up properly:

  • Stretch out every muscle in your body before climbing by doing some simple exercises like arm circles, leg swings and squats.
  • Climb easy routes/problems until they feel comfortable (this may take several minutes).

If you’re a beginner in the world of bouldering, you might feel intimidated by all the techniques and jargon. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Our article on the best ice climbing spots for beginners will give you some of the best spots to try out and build your climbing skills.

Check Your Shoes

There are a few things to check when you’re preparing to climb. First, make sure the rubber on your shoes is in good shape. If it’s worn down or cracked, it won’t provide enough friction for you to get a good grip on the wall. 

Next, make sure there aren’t any holes in the shoe–these can be dangerous because they could cause rope burn if you fall while climbing with ropes attached to your harness (which we’ll learn about later).

Finally, look at how tight everything is: soles should be screwed in securely; stitching shouldn’t be coming loose; and heel cups shouldn’t slide around too much when rocked back-and-forth between fingers like so many lovebirds do at weddings!

Climbing Shoe Brands to Consider

Brand NameDescription
La SportivaOffers high-performance climbing shoes with a focus on quality and innovation.
ScarpaKnown for producing shoes that are comfortable and versatile, which makes them a good choice for climbers who wear their shoes for extended periods of time.
Five TenProduces technical, performance-driven shoes that are designed to meet the needs of climbers who want maximum grip and precision on the rock.
EvolvOffers a diverse range of climbing shoes that cater to various levels, from beginners to advanced climbers.
Black DiamondOffers climbing shoes that are designed with a focus on precision and durability, making them ideal for climbers who need shoes that can handle challenging terrain.

Check Your Shoes: Choosing the right climbing shoe is critical. Be sure to try on several brands and models to find the one that fits your foot and climbing style.

Go Chalkless

Chalkless climbing is a great way to save money, reduce your environmental impact and increase your climbing performance. 

If you haven’t heard of it before, chalkless climbing is simply a method of gripping the wall without using chalk (the white stuff). There are many different ways to do this but here are a few tips:

Use moisture-wicking clothing – By wearing synthetic materials such as polyester or nylon overtop cotton t-shirts, you can keep yourself dryer than you would be if you were wearing just plain cotton. This will help prevent sweat from building up on your hands and making them slippery when they come into contact with the holds on the wall.

Get creative with tape – You don’t need tape specifically designed for rock climbers; any athletic tape will work just fine! Just wrap some around each hand before heading out so that once again there’s no need for messy white stuff getting everywhere during climbs!

When it comes to bouldering, sometimes the best spots are off the beaten path. Our guide to the most underrated ice climbing spots in the US will give you some hidden gems to explore and challenge yourself.

Do Bodyweight Exercises

If you want to get stronger and more comfortable on the wall, then it’s time to start using some bodyweight exercises. 

Bodyweight exercises are all about moving your entire bodyweight without using any external equipment—you just use your own strength and power.

Bouldering has become a popular activity among climbers who have lost their edge due to age or injury, but it is also a great way for anyone interested in fitness or strengthening their core muscles. Bouldering requires you to use your hands and feet as well as sometimes even your knees or ankles, so there are plenty of ways that rock climbers can work out on the boulders!

Here are some examples:

Push-ups – Start off with one pushup each hand; then add one per hand until five total reps are reached on each side (or however many fit into 30 seconds). Then do two sets of 20 reps before coming back down again; repeat this process three times total!

Brands for Bodyweight Exercise Equipment

Brand NameDescription
TRXOffers a range of suspension training equipment that uses body weight exercises to build strength, stability, and flexibility.
GaiamProduces yoga and Pilates gear, as well as equipment for other forms of bodyweight exercises for those looking to tone, build muscle, and increase flexibility.
Perfect FitnessOffers a variety of bodyweight training equipment suitable for all levels of fitness, including push up stands, ab wheels, and pull-up bars.
Power SystemsKnown for producing high-quality exercise equipment, including equipment for bodyweight training such as resistance bands, suspension trainers, and crawlers.
ProSourceProduces a wide range of exercise equipment, including yoga and Pilates gear, resistance bands, yoga mats, and foam rollers to help with mobility and recovery.

Do Bodyweight Exercises: Bodyweight exercises are an effective way to condition your body and improve your overall fitness level. Incorporating equipment from these brands can help you add variety and challenge to your bodyweight workouts.

Don’t Climb More Than You Can Send

When you’re climbing, it’s important to try a problem that is just right for your ability. If you try a problem that is too hard, then it will be frustrating and discouraging when you can’t send it. 

On the other hand, if the problem is too easy for your abilities, then there won’t be much satisfaction in sending it because it wasn’t challenging enough for you. The best way to climb well and feel great about yourself as an athlete is by finding problems at just the right difficulty level–and then sending those bad boys!

For solo adventurers, finding the right bouldering spot can be a challenge. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the best ice climbing spots for solo adventurers to help you get started on your next solo climb.

Crouch Before Starting A Problem

Crouch before starting a problem. This will help you get a better grip, and will also make sure that your legs are relaxed and straight when you reach the top.

Don’t bend your knees too much; it’s important not to hyperextend them as this can cause injury.

Don’t Get Scared High Up On The Route

When you’re high up on a route, don’t let fear of falling hold you back. Instead, focus on the next move and let go of any thoughts about falling. If you’re psyched out by the height, try to relax and breathe deeply so that your body can remember how good it feels when it’s relaxed–and then get back into the game with confidence!

A successful bouldering session depends on more than just physical strength; it also depends on your technique. Our article on the best bouldering techniques for every level breaks down the moves that will help you conquer any climb.

Cross Train

Cross-training is a great way to prevent injury, improve your climbing strength and stay fit. For example: if you’re injured and can’t climb then swimming will help keep up the cardio required for climbing. Swimming also helps with recovery after injuries because it’s low impact on joints and muscles.

Another good example of cross training would be weight lifting at the gym; this will build up more muscle mass in areas where we tend to have weak points when climbing such as shoulders/arms etc…

Brands for Cross-Training Equipment

Brand NameDescription
Rogue FitnessProduces high-quality cross-training equipment and accessories, including weightlifting equipment like barbells and kettlebells, gymnastics equipment like rings, and cardio equipment like rowing machines.
ReebokOffers a range of cross-training shoes, clothing, and accessories designed to help athletes improve their performance in a variety of activities.
Concept2Known for producing top-of-the-line rowing machines that can provide a full-body workout, which makes them a great choice for cross-training.
TRXOffers suspension trainers and resistance bands that are commonly used in cross-training workouts to help build strength and stability.
OnnitOffers cross-training equipment, supplements, and education to help you optimize your performance and reach your fitness goals.

Cross Train: Cross-training involves doing a variety of exercises and activities to build overall fitness and prevent injury. Incorporating equipment from these brands can help you take your cross-training to the next level.

Utilize The Campus Board

The campus board is a great tool for improving your finger strength and pull-ups. It’s also good for warming up before you climb, or even just working on your core strength.

Warm up: Use the campus board to warm up for climbing by doing pull-ups and hangs. You can do this as part of a circuit training session in which you move from one exercise to another without resting between them (this helps keep your heart rate elevated).

Improve finger strength: Work on improving individual grip positions by placing fingers on different holds while pulling yourself up with other parts of your hand or arm (like when doing karate chops). This will help build strength evenly across all fingers so they’re equally capable of holding onto tiny edges during difficult climbs.

Improve pull ups: If there isn’t enough room at home, try mounting one outside–they’re easy to install on any structure that’s strong enough not break under pressure (such as concrete blocks). To make sure it stays secure, use lag bolts rather than screws; otherwise they could loosen over time due to vibrations caused by traffic passing by nearby streets or trains running through tunnels nearby.”

Bouldering is often misunderstood, and many people have misconceptions about it. That’s why we’re here to clear up the confusion. Check out our guide on bouldering myths busted: separating fact from fiction to find out what’s true and what’s not when it comes to bouldering.

Warm Up Right

Warming up is the most important part of any climbing session, and bouldering is no exception. If you don’t warm up properly, you are more likely to get injured or hurt yourself while trying to climb. 

This can also lead to long-term problems like muscle stiffness and joint pains later on in life if you do not take care of your body properly when young!

Here’s how I recommend warming up:

Start with some light stretching (don’t stretch too hard).

Do some jumping jacks or other dynamic exercises that get your heart rate going without straining anything too much; this will help prepare both your muscles and joints for more intense activity later on in the session without causing any pain right away (which would make it harder for them later).

Move onto some more specific climbing movements such as setting holds up against walls before attempting climbs themselves so they know exactly what kinds of grips feel best when holding onto them during real climbs – this way there won’t be any surprises when they actually get into position on real rocks!


We hope that you have enjoyed this article and found it helpful. If you have any questions or comments We look forward to hearing from you!

Further reading

Looking to improve your indoor climbing technique? Check out these top 1 technique tips for indoor climbing to help you take your skills to the next level.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced climber, mastering basic climbing techniques is key. Learn some expert tips on climbing techniques that can help you climb better and more efficiently.

Proper bouldering technique is essential to staying safe and getting the most out of your climb. Check out some tips on bouldering technique to help you improve your form and make the most of your climb.


What is bouldering?

Bouldering is a style of climbing that involves climbing without ropes or harnesses. It typically involves shorter, more challenging routes that require strength, technique, and problem-solving.

Is bouldering safe?

Like any adventure sport, bouldering can be risky if proper precautions aren’t taken. However, with proper equipment, training, and good judgment, bouldering can be a safe and enjoyable activity.

What should I wear for bouldering?

Comfortable, stretchy clothing that allows for a full range of motion is best for bouldering. Some climbers prefer to wear specialized climbing shoes for extra grip and support.

Do I need to be strong to boulder?

While strength is certainly helpful for bouldering, technique, balance, and problem-solving skills are equally important. Climbing is a sport that can be adapted to any fitness level, so you can start at any level and work your way up.

How can I stay safe while bouldering?

Staying safe while bouldering involves using proper equipment, assessing your surroundings for risks, and having a spotter to help keep you safe in case of a fall. Additionally, it’s important to take breaks when needed and listen to your body to avoid injury.