Become A Speed Climbing Expert In Just A Few Short Weeks

Hello, and welcome to the world of speed climbing. Whether you’re brand new to this sport or just want to get better at it, my goal is to help you learn how to go from average climber to expert in just a few short weeks. The first thing we need to do is dispel some common myths about speed climbing!

Climbing & Training: How to Manage Fatigue and Recovery!
Key Takeaways
Speed climbing is a type of climbing that involves ascending a route as quickly as possible.
To become a better speed climber, you need to focus on training your endurance and strength.
Good technique and pacing are crucial for success in speed climbing.
Proper gear is essential for safe and efficient speed climbing.
Beginners should start with the basics and work their way up, focusing on developing good technique and safe climbing habits.

Find The Right Climbing Partner

Find a climbing partner who is as motivated as you are.

A good climbing partner should be someone who shares your dream of becoming an expert speed climber, and will push you to do your best every time. 

They should also have similar skill level, so that both of you can learn from each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Finally, it’s helpful if the person has experience teaching others–this way they’ll know how best to guide your progress!

To become a speed climbing champion, you need to have the right training routine and mindset. In our guide on going from amateur to pro, we provide expert tips on how to take your climbing skills to the next level.

Don’t Go Solo

The climbing community is a great resource for new climbers. You can learn from other people who have been there, done that, and have the scars to prove it. 

You’ll also find yourself surrounded by friendly faces who are more than willing to help you out if you get stuck somewhere along your journey (or even just offer some advice).

The best part about this is that when we look back at our experiences with speed climbing as a whole, we often find ourselves realizing how much we’ve grown as individuals because of it! 

It’s not just about learning how to climb faster; it’s also about learning how to be better people in general: kinder, more understanding and patient with others around us–and ultimately happier too!

Table: Climbing with Partners

Partner BenefitsDescription
SafetyClimbing with a partner can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.
SupportClimbing with a partner provides emotional support, motivation, and encouragement, making it easier to push yourself to new heights.
Shared KnowledgeClimbing with a partner allows you to learn from each other’s experiences, techniques, and tips.
SocializationClimbing with a partner can be a social activity, providing opportunities for friendship, networking, and community building.

Note: It’s important to note that while climbing with a partner can be safer than solo climbing, it’s still crucial to follow proper safety protocols and guidelines to minimize the risk of accidents or injuries. Additionally, partnering up with a certified or trained climber can provide additional benefits and assurance of safety.

Go To A Class

If you’re new to climbing, and want to get started on the right foot, then taking a class is the way to go. Classes are a great way to learn all of the basic techniques that will make you more confident as a climber–and they’ll also teach you how to properly secure yourself so that if something goes wrong (like falling), you’ll be safe.

A few hours of instruction can help ensure that even novice climbers know how much weight they should put on each hold or how far apart their hands should be when gripping with both hands. 

Plus, classes usually offer tips on how best to use one’s feet while climbing–which is often overlooked by beginners who need this information most!

Breaking speed climbing records takes more than just climbing quickly. Our guide on expert training tips can help prepare you for success, providing information on proper climbing techniques, strength conditioning, and more.

Wear The Right Gear

  • Wear a helmet.
  • Wear climbing shoes.
  • Wear a harness, which is basically like suspenders for your body (you can get them with adjustable straps, or you can buy one that’s pre-sized for you).
  • If you’re going to be speed climbing indoors and using artificial walls, get yourself a chalk bag and fill it with chalk balls–they’re small enough to fit in your pocket once they’ve been used up!

Be Flexible

In order to become a speed climbing expert, you have to be flexible. You need to be able to rotate your body and move around with ease when on the wall. This will help prevent injuries from occurring, which is important in any sport where there is a risk of injury. To improve flexibility:

  • Do yoga exercises that focus on stretching out tight muscles such as hamstrings, quads and calves
  • Use a foam roller (or similar) before working out at the gym so that it can loosen up tension in those same areas

Speed climbing requires both mental and physical strength, especially when it comes to mastering a route. Learn how to climb effortlessly and with precision by checking out our guide for mastering speed climbing routes, which offers expert advice and tips on route selection, gear, and more.

Practice On A Regular Basis

Practice makes perfect. And we know that to be true because it’s been proven time and time again.

No matter if you’re a high-school athlete or an expert climber, you won’t be able to improve your speed climbing skills overnight. You may have heard this before, but there are many different ways of practicing speed climbing—some of which can actually help your overall technique as well!

The most important thing about practicing is that it has to be done consistently over time in order for the results (in this case: improved performance) to show up on the field! 

So make sure to practice regularly (at least once per week) while also choosing specific places where you can practice more frequently; here are some options:

Go outdoors! If possible, try going outside during peak hours so that other people aren’t around as much when they see what’s happening inside those walls/roofs etc… 

This way no one will notice anything suspicious happening inside those buildings unless they happen upon said building themselves.”

Table: Climbing Practice Plans

Practice PlanDescription
Meetup ClimbsJoin a climbing group (such as Meetup) for regular climbing sessions with other climbers at your skill level or above to improve your technique and challenge yourself.
Climbing GymsClimbing gyms are specifically designed for climbers of all levels to practice and improve their skills. They offer various routes to challenge climbers and provide a safe environment to practice.
Personal TrainerHiring a personal trainer can provide customized training routines and advice to improve your climbing skills and overall fitness.
Online Training CoursesNumerous online courses, such as those offered by Khan Academy, can be helpful in providing practice exercises and guidance for climbers at every level.
Outdoor ClimbsRegular outdoor climbs with a knowledgeable partner or guide can provide real-world experience and help improve a climber’s mental and physical skills.

Note: It’s important to note that practicing on a regular basis should be balanced with proper rest and recovery to prevent injuries and burnout. Additionally, it’s crucial to only climb routes that suit your skill level to minimize the risk of accidents and injuries.

Eat Right And Hydrate Often

One of the most important things you can do to prepare for speed climbing is to eat right and hydrate often. This will help your body recover from workouts, keep energy levels high, and give you the strength needed to climb well.

Eat a good breakfast. A solid meal before any athletic activity is essential for optimal performance in any sport, but especially when it comes to speed climbing where every second counts! Try eating an egg white omelet with veggies or whole grain toast with peanut butter (or almond butter).

Drink plenty of water throughout the day–not just before practice begins! Dehydration can cause headaches which could lead to poor focus on routes during practice sessions; so make sure that there’s always some sort of drink within reach at all times while training indoors or outdoors during hot weather conditions where dehydration becomes more likely because there’s less moisture in air surrounding our bodies due out through sweat glands as we exert ourselves physically.

If you’re new to speed climbing, you’re probably wondering where to begin. Our ultimate speed climbing guide for beginners can help get you started by providing information on the basics of speed climbing, including gear, safety tips, and technique.

Watch What You Eat Before Going Climbing

Make sure you eat a healthy meal before going climbing. Avoid heavy food, sugar and fat as these will make you feel sluggish and slow. 

Alcohol and caffeine can also have negative effects on your climbing performance so it’s best not to drink them before hitting the gym. Finally, spicy foods should be avoided as they can cause heartburn if consumed prior to exercise.

Learn To Tie Quick-Release Knots

Quick-release knots are an essential part of speed climbing and should be mastered by all climbers. They allow you to quickly untie your rope from the anchor point in case you need to descend quickly or if there is an emergency situation that requires you to leave your partner behind.

Before learning how to tie quick-release knots, it’s important for climbers to understand how they work. 

A standard climbing knot like the figure eight can be used as a quick release if it has been tied into its own end; however, this method is not ideal because it requires two hands (one hand holding on while the other ties) and leaves excess cordage hanging loose at each end of your harnesses when they’re not being used as backups.”

Take your speed climbing skills to the next level with our guide on expert tips for maximizing your potential, including strength training exercises and tips for proper footwork and grip technique.

Keep Safety A Priority At All Times

There are a few things you should keep in mind when climbing.

Be aware of your surroundings! Try to be as silent as possible and make sure that there is no one around you who might be alarmed by what you’re doing. If there are people nearby, try to stay out of their view so they won’t get scared and call the police.

Look for potential dangers! While speed climbing can be fun and safe, it’s still important to take precautions so that nothing bad happens while learning how to climb fast on rock walls or other structures like trees or cliffs (which could cause falls). 

For example: if there are nails sticking out from the wall then don’t stand on them because this could cause injury just like stepping on glass shards would do; or if there’s loose dirt underfoot then avoid walking across it because those little rocks might slip away unexpectedly–and hurt someone badly!

Ask for help if needed – Don’t go into situations alone without being prepared first before attempting anything risky such as ascending onto ledges with no railings attached; don’t climb too high up without taking proper precautions such as wearing safety gear like harnesses which provide extra security against slipping off ledges due

Master Both Technique And Strength Training Together

Strength training is an important part of climbing, and it can help you improve your technique as well.

If you’re looking to become a speed climber, then strength training is something that needs to be on your radar. It’ll help you climb longer and harder while also helping with recovery from injury or improving endurance in general.

Get Outside

Getting outside and climbing is a great way to meet new people, and you will have more fun than you can imagine.

If you want to become an expert speed climber, then it’s important that you spend as much time outside as possible. The outdoors are where all the best climbers train because there are more challenging routes available for them there.

You should also try out different types of rock for your practice sessions so that when it comes time for competition season, which lasts from April through September each year (the exact dates vary depending on where in the world they’re held), then at least one option will be familiar territory!


We hope you’ve enjoyed this article and learned a few things about speed climbing. If you’re ready to take the next step, we encourage you to try out some of these tips for yourself! Our goal is to help people discover their passion for climbing as well as improve their fitness level so they can continue doing what they love for years to come.